Modern Concept Science 3
Unique Features
- The series of the NOVA science books is strictly based on the latest syllabus prescribed by CDC (Curriculum Development Centre) along with some additional materials
- Prescribed syllabus has been given at the beginning of each unit for the convenience of teachers and students to veri fy the course contents
- Objectives of each unit have been duly highlighted in order to smoothly conduct the teaching learning exercise
- Key terms and terminologies have been duly explained for the benefits of students
- Contents of each lesson/topic has been presented in lucid and direct manner to make it userfriendly
- Clear, colourful, well-labeled and self-explanatory diagrams illustrating scientific concepts add value to each topics
- The concept based reasonable questions with the answer have been placed under the title "FACT WITH REASON"
- Memory plus is an additional exercise attached with the text to broaden the horizon of kn o wledge of science
- Lots of activities, experiments and project work are given to develop scientific skill
- Skill of writing answer is given at the end of each unit with a view to solving the numerical and theoretical exercises
- Step-wise exercise are given at the end of each unit to test the knowledge and understanding of the concepts already taught or learnt